Rabbits should be vaccinated against Myxomatosis, RHD1 and RHD2.

This is one annual vaccine: Nobivac Myco RHD Plus which will cover all 3 diseases.

Myxomatosis, RHD1 and RHD2 are usually fatal and a vaccination is the best possible protection available. Being an indoor rabbit DOES NOT protect against these diseases.


RHD1 (Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease) is easily spread between rabbits and their contaminated surroundings and it is possible to carry it on human clothing or shoes for up to three months. The best way to protect your rabbit against this disease, which can kill in the space of two days, is again to get them vaccinated.

Signs of RHD include depression, collapse, difficulty in breathing, convulsions, high body temperature, lethargy and bleeding from the nose. Death usually occurs within 12-36 hours after the onset of fever and, because of the speed of death, often healthy rabbits are simply found dead in their hutches with no obvious signs of the disease.


They believe that the most likely route of transmission is via biting insects, such as mosquitoes, fleas and fur mites, carrying the Myxoma Virus and injecting it into the skin when they bite. Nothing is 100% effective but the myxi vaccine is the most effective measure you can take to help prevent or limit the effects of this disease. An unvaccinated rabbit with this disease will almost certainly die.

Myxomatosis is a dreadful disease, in an unvaccinated rabbit it causes immense suffering and affected rabbits can take a fortnight to die whilst treatment is usually futile. Because of this a vet will usually recommend euthanasia. Symptoms can often start looking like early stages of conjunctivitis with runny eyes, however the rabbit genitalia are also swollen. This will quickly escalate to severe conjunctivitis, blindness and swellings on the head and body along with excessive pus discharge from the eyes and nose which are sealed shut. Death will eventually follow.



RHD2 (Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease) is very similar to the RHD1. RHD2 is very easily spread, not only animal to animal, but by clothes, hay insects and also by foot traffic having trodden in an infected rabbit's droppings. It can easily survive for long periods of time in the environment and again it is usually fatal, with pet owners reporting no obvious signs of illness just finding their rabbit passed away.


Again, other than vaccination, there is no protection for your rabbit against this disease and it is incurable